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Kinsley's Heart

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Baby's Grasp

Our Vision

To create a world where all Trisomy babies are considered “compatible with life” and deserving of the early interventions needed to save their lives.

Our Mission

To provide awareness to the community and enhance support for families affected by providing hospital care packages, support, and assistance for home supplies and equipment.


Compatible with Love

Acceptance and Love is the key to giving our children the life they deserve even in the midst of some of the most challenging years of their life.


For your gift of $30 or more, receive a signed copy of Compatible with Love, thank you card, and gift.

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or set up a monthly donation towards Kinsley Kares. Your donation goes a long way. We support trisomy children and their families with every dollar donated.

Fontenot Family Pic.heic

Featured Family of the Month

Read their story here.


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Kinsley Kares Foundation


411 36th St 

Suite 7032

Fort Eisenhower, GA 30905

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© 2023 by Kinsley Kares

"Changing Lives and Embracing Hearts around the World"

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